I am so grateful to the 9 that showed up to be a part of the first guided journey <3
For this sound bath we journeyed to a sacred cave, which held ancient singing crystals and a comfy place to sit and soak up the vibrations. Join us for our shamanic journey and sound bath in Pontypridd Museum

Feedback from the group ranged from astral projection, to becoming one with the universe, to just relaxing and enjoying the visceral effects of the sounds. When I started this journey it was never intended that I would mix the 2 modalities of shamanic healing and sound healing, but the Divine Mother had different plans.
For those that attended, an offer to reconnect over the next few days to discuss anything that comes up was offered. As stated at the start of the journey - I am no healer, each of us has the divine medicine within. My role is to simply create a safe space for people to delve deep to discover this medicine. And with this in mind my role for the follow up calls/messages is to hold space and listen.

Today I feel wave after wave of gratitude - sound is my calling and to be able to hold sacred space for people is such a blessing - thank you to everyone that showed up : )